EIkon 1.1.6. post2 get_data returns -1 while excel returns correct value

loaded Eikon version 1.1.6.post2
the operation you intend to perform will cost 1 data points
2020-09-28 15:05:27
 get_data( instruments = ["AAPL.O"]
    , fields = ["TR.CompanyMarketCap(Sdate=0D)/*Market Cap*/"]
    , debug = False, raw_output = True
EikonGetData request returned the following data: 2 columns and 2 rows
EikonGetData request returned with length 7

it then returns the following result:

[1] 1

[1] "AAPL.O"

[1] -1

[1] "horizontal"

[1] "Instrument"

[1] "Company Market Cap"


[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] 2

if I however perform the exact same operation in excel I get

=TR("AAPL.O";"TR.CompanyMarketCap(Sdate=0D)/*Market Cap*/";"CH=Fd RH=IN";B2)

with the following response:


This happen issues with All US stocks other Japanese European do not seem to have this problem

Best Answer

  • Hello @laurens,

    I try your query in Python and get the expected result:

    >> ek.get_data(instruments = ["AAPL.O"], fields = ["TR.CompanyMarketCap(Sdate=0D)"], debug = False, raw_output = True)

     'columnHeadersCount': 1,
     'data': [['AAPL.O', 1920272742080]],
     'headerOrientation': 'horizontal',
     'headers': [[{
        'displayName': 'Instrument'
       }, {
        'displayName': 'Company Market Cap',
        'field': 'TR.COMPANYMARKETCAP(SDATE=0D)'
     'rowHeadersCount': 1,
     'totalColumnsCount': 2,
     'totalRowsCount': 2

    As you can see the market cap is correct.


  • @laurens

    I'm afraid I'm also not reproducing the issue you describe. If the problem you experienced persists, it would be very helpful if you could capture the HTTP request corresponding to this get_data call using Fiddler, and post the request and the response here.

  • @laurens

    Thank you for your participation in the forum. I'm afraid we haven't been able to reproduce the issue you experienced. Do you continue experiencing it? Are you able to reproduce it consistently? If yes, would you be able to create a Fiddler capture of the HTTP request and response corresponding to the get_data call that returns -1 as the value for TR.CompanyMarketCap field?