Is the version SFC 4.6.3 available on 64 bit? If not it is in the pipeline?

Is the version SFC 4.6.3 available on 64 bit? If not it is in the pipeline?

Best Answer

  • Hi @davide.bray

    There are no plans to produce 64bit versions of the legacy APIS such as SFC.

    Clients should be encouraged to migrate to easy to use EMA which is part of the Refinitiv Real-Time SDK.

    Other alternatives they can consider include the Websocket API and the Refinitiv Dataplatform Libraries too.


  • Hello - thanks for getting back to me. What does EMA stand for? Davide

  • Hi @davide.bray,

    EMA is Elektron Message API and it is almost as easy to use as SFC and has additional benefit of natively supporting the cloud infrastructure. Here are the tutorials and samples for the C++ version of EMA. You can also download the SDK from the downloads page.

  • EMA did stand for Elektron Message API - but is due to be rebranded to Enterprise Message API - as per our current rebranding programme