"Incremental updates will be available soon" for weeks now

When will incremental updates via the atom feed be available? I've been getting this "Incremental updates will be available soon" for weeks now on the Person (https://permid.org/atom/person?access-token=xxx) feed, though Organizations (https://permid.org/atom/organization?access-token=xxx) is working fine.

Best Answer

  • @lx53

    The Entity Bulk Download and associated daily files (RSS feed) haven't been available since August 8, 2021. I got the product notification with the following description.

    On August 8, 2021, we are making changes to permid.org that will mean the Entity Bulk Download and associated daily files (RSS feed) will no longer be supported. The Entity Search, Record Matching and Intelligent Tagging features remain unaffected.