Use Eikon Data API on Mac without Refinitiv Workspace

How can I use the Eikon Data API without Refnitiv Workspace or the Eikon Desktop App? I am told that the desktop app does not support Mac OS, so will I be able to use the API by having the Eikon web app running?

Best Answer

  • @mani.sabapathi

    We now have a native mac version of the Refinitiv Workspace. So you can run it and use eikon data API on mac likes the windows version.

    I don't think you can connect to a web version from your mac. If you are running the python codes on the jupyter notebook, we now have CodeBook which you can run on both Desktop and Web version of Refinitiv Workspace. You can just type codebk on the workspace app and then you can run Jupyter notebook on the Refinitiv Workspace.

    Below is a screenshot from the web version of the Refinitiv Workspace.


