Retrieve list of Oil Refinery RIC's

I would need something like ek.get_rics(oil refineries, region="world") which would output a list of rics of all oil refineries in the world.

I tried using the interactive oil map, made a layer on refineries and export that to excel. Yes, you get a list of tickers, but only those currently zoomed on the map. And if you zoom out to get the world, you get a summarizing table containing the # of OR's per continent/country.

Best Answer

  • Hi @ana.ramirezcervera Thanks for your question. You need to use the search API endpoint from the Refinitiv Data Platform - which is accessible using your eikon appkey - or from within the codebook app.

    import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp
    rdp.open_desktop_session('YOUR APP KEY HERE')
    import eikon as ek
    ek.set_app_key('YOUR APP KEY HERE')
    dfRic =
        view = rdp.SearchViews.PhysicalAssets,
        filter = "RCSAssetTypeLeaf eq 'oil refinery'", #and RCSRegionLeaf eq 'United States'


    You could then take that list and get other pertinent information eg:

    df, err = ek.get_data(instruments = dfRic['RIC'].astype(str).values.tolist(),fields =["TR.AssetName","TR.AssetLocation","TR.AssetLongitude","TR.AssetLatitude"])



    I hope this can help.


  • Thanks for you answer.

    When running the above code, I get the following error.

    Session session - Thread 20140 | MainThread Error: no proxy address identified. Check if Desktop is running.

    Desktop application is running (Eikon package works perfectly)

    Python version: 3.8.3

    RDP version:

  • When I try making connection directly to the Refinitiv Data Platform (as described on I get the following error.

    2020-10-15 10:07:25,980 - Session session.platform - Thread 20140 | MainThread EDP Authentication failed. Error code -1 | AttributeError("'Request' object has no attribute 'prepare'")
  • Changing version using pip install httpx==0.14.2 worked for me :)