How to get Fund's Advisor information by ExcelAPI or PythonAPI ?

Hi all,

I need red block information. please help me !

Thank you so much.


Best Answer

  • bob.lee
    Answer ✓

    @robbinsforster7752, I do not think the "Investment Advisor" company is available in Eikon data API / Eikon Excel. I only see Fund Company and Custodian in Eikon API.

    That data field is available in the newer RDP Funds API. Below is the data I obtained from the sample fund: LP68405497. Notes, your screenshot shows that fund in the chart, but the advisor screen you showed is not for that fund.

    Sample data from RDP Funds API:

              "code": "INVESTMENT_ADVISOR",
              "type": {
                "id": "392",
                "name": "Investment Advisor"
              "values": [
                  "name": "Ninety One UK",
                  "code": "0008",
                  "addressLine1": "55 Gresham Street",
                  "city": "LONDON",
                  "postalCode": "EC2V 7EL",
                  "country": "United Kingdom",
                  "telephone": "442039382000",
                  "webSite": "",
                  "date": "1800-01-01"