In VBA I have *Application.Run "EikonRefreshWorkbook"* as a code line to refresh my excel workbook.

If Application.Run "EikonRefreshWorkbook" works for RHistory just let me know.

Call Sheet4.SpinButton1_SpinDown


Application.Run "EikonRefreshWorkbook"


Application.Run "EikonRefreshWorkbook"


Call CopyPaste


Best Answer

  • This command does indeed refresh all Eikon Excel data retrieval functions including RHistory. For more details on this and other commands you can use to refresh data in your spreadsheets using Eikon Excel see this previous thread.


  • While browsing the forum, I noticed that alot of people are complaining of this issue. This issue is so popular. I suggest that some of the moderators would volunteer to make a pictorial tutorial on how to set up an Eikon macro to enforce workbook refresh by time or at an event.

    I am not an Excel user, and I am very overwhelmed to learn that I have to be an Excel Advanced Developer to do the most basic task in Eikon, aka get prices. If Eikon can not do its most basic task, please atleast consider making it a simple task for non-developers.

  • @sinan_islam

    Thank you for your feedback. I'm not sure I understand what you find challenging. Or what tutorial you'd like to see. Would you mind elaborating? If Excel is in autocalc mode, there's no need to refresh Eikon Excel data functions. They're refreshed automatically by default. The functions also provide fairly granular control over how they're refreshed. You'd typically only want to refresh Eikon Excel functions manually if Excel is in manual calc mode. In this case you can use the button in the ribbon or, as some users prefer, you can use VBA commands. I'm also very confused about your request to make "it a simple task for non-developers". It's not clear to me what is "it" that you find challenging and that you'd like to be a simple task. And then I also don't quite follow the reference to non-developers. This forum is dedicated to software developers utilizing Refinitiv APIs. We're not targeting non-developers here. There are other resources available for non-developers including Help and training in the product, documentation on MyRefinitiv and Refinitiv Helpdesk.

  • I just wanted to add, that eSignal enhanced DDE QLink is much more powerful and much more stable and reliable than Eikon COM. eSignal QLink brings what it promise, Eikon COM brings nothing. I wouldnt recommend Eikon COM for any use.