call to get_data returns either open interest data or other fields data but not all at the same time

I need to retrieve the following options fields for all days in 2020.

The following call to get_data either returns open interests data with NaN in all other columns OR the value of all columns except Open Interst.

Could you please point what I'm doing wrong?

data_temp, err = ek.get_data(instruments = '/TFMB1900N1', \
                             fields = ['DSPLY_NAME',\
                             parameters = {'SDate':'2020-01-01','EDate':'2020-10-14'})

Best Answer

  • Hi @clangevin

    You can easily use "Data Item Browser" to confirm that the fields do not support timeseries on get_data() API call.

    I capture 3 fields for your example:

    DSPLY_NAME, PUTCALLIND = do not support timeseries

    TR.OPENINTEREST = support time series



  • Hi @clangevin

    DSPLY_NAME, PUTCALLIND, STRIKE_PRC, CF_CLOSE, IMP_VOLT and EXPIR_DATE fields are from realtime database. They do no support timeseries data.

    TR.OPENINTEREST and TR.OPENINTEREST.Date support timeseries data.


  • @ chavalit.jintamalit Can you check with your colleagues? It makes no sense that


    come from realtime data as those are not realtime data by nature.

    I should be able to display all of the above along with the open interest data at close each day.

    I'm certain this is possible, could you please check further?

  • Thanks, my point was that the nature of the data isn't realtime, why Refinitiv implements it that way is another discussion...

    I'll try to see what I can get using 'TR.OPENINTEREST(-1d)' calls.

  • @ chavalit.jintamalit

    Running the call to get_data below, as of today (16/10/2020):

    data_temp, err = ek.get_data(instruments = 'TFMB1900N1', \
                                 fields = ['DSPLY_NAME',\



    Why is the date 31/08/2020? That doesn't see to be 1 month ago.

    How should I edit the call to get-data above to retrieve open interest for that RIC as of a month ago?


  • Actually even the -1d call doesn't return yesterday's value:

    data_temp, err = ek.get_data(instruments = 'TFMB1900N1', \
                                 fields = ['DSPLY_NAME',\


    Why does it return the 14th of October instead of the 15th?

  • Hi @clangevin

    For the -1m, I think the parameter effects the field to be in monthly period.


    For -1d, I cannot answer the content behavior related question as I am not a content expert.

    If you wish to clarify a specific field with its parameters behavior, you can open a ticket to Refinitiv Content Helpdesk at

    The helpdesk can use Eikon Excel to retrieve the same field with parameters and clarify your question.
