Error code 401: Eikon Proxy not installed or not running.

I'm trying to retrieve timeseries data and getting the following error message;

Error code 401 | Eikon Proxy not installed or not running. Please read the documentation to know how to install and run the proxy

I have the Eikon desktop app open and running. Eikon 1.1.6.post3 package is installed and app key is set.

I saw the checkeikondataapi Powershell script in another question and have run that.

Attached is the output txt file.output.txt

Please advise.

Best Answer

  • msheridan
    Answer ✓

    downgrading httpx to 0.14.3 as advised on the linked thread seems to have fixed the issue


  • Hi @msheridan

    I checked and saw that you have 2 Eikon accounts ?

    The account without number 1 before @, <youremail>@&lt;yourcompanydomain>, is Eikon Exchange Pricing variant.

    And it does not support API capability.

    The account with <youremail>1@<yourcomapnydomain> is Eikon Commodities variant.

    And it should be able to access to API.

    Please confirm which Eikon account you are using ?

  • @msheridan

    From the output.txt, there is an Eikon process listening on port 9000 and 9060. It looks okay.         9060 Listen          9776         9000 Listen          8960

    The script is quite old, You can try the new version 1.4 .CheckEikonDataAPI14.ps1.txt

    If you are using Eikon 1.1.6.post3, please refer to this thread for troubleshooting.

  • I'm using the second one, Eikon Commodities variant. The API works on about 20% of calls but the rest of the time it gives me that 401 error.

  • Hi,

    eikon 1.1.7 is available on pypi.

    I'm not sure this will fix your problem, but it fixes several issues (especially on dependency versions) and better handles some errors on time series requests.

    Could you also check in Eikon logs the file APIProxy.yyyymmdd.hhmmss.txt ?
    (it should be in C:\ProgramData\Thomson Reuters\Eikon Data\Logs\TRD\Eikon.202010dd.hhmmss.pxxxx directory)