Python API Error on handshake port 9000

After EIKON App update earlier this week I can no longer use the python API. In particular, the error I get is:

Error on handshake port 9000 : ReadTimeout(ReadTimeout())

The app and Excel addon are working fine. I tried restarting the app and the PC but no luck. I also run the Powershell script (CheckEikonDataAPI14.ps1) provided in answers to similar questions. The output is attached. Hope someone will be able to help resolve the problem

installed versions:

Eikon Desktop: 4.0.52005

python libraries:

eikon: 1.1.2

http3: 0.6.7

nest-asynco : 1.0.0

Best Answer

  • Do you have similar logs ?

    [2020-10-16 08:51:08.341|1|api-svc|1|INFO] Listening to port=9060
    [2020-10-16 12:30:46.598|1|data-api|1|INFO] [LogRequestDetailMiddleware][Request #73f907d4-f729-4c55-811c-009a75643609] New incoming GET request
    [2020-10-16 12:30:46.605|1|data-api|3|DEBUG] [LogRequestDetailMiddleware][Request #73f907d4-f729-4c55-811c-009a75643609] URL:
    [2020-10-16 12:30:46.611|1|data-api|3|DEBUG] [LogRequestDetailMiddleware][Request #73f907d4-f729-4c55-811c-009a75643609] Headers: {"host":"","user-agent":"python-httpx/0.14.3","accept":"*/*","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate","connection":"keep-alive","x-tr-applicationid":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}
    [2020-10-16 12:30:46.671|1|data-api|1|INFO] [LogRequestDetailMiddleware][Request #4caacf9b-7fdd-49cc-b5e5-83c78ff41a33] New incoming POST request
    [2020-10-16 12:30:46.679|1|data-api|3|DEBUG] [LogRequestDetailMiddleware][Request #4caacf9b-7fdd-49cc-b5e5-83c78ff41a33] URL:
    [2020-10-16 12:30:46.687|1|data-api|3|DEBUG] [LogRequestDetailMiddleware][Request #4caacf9b-7fdd-49cc-b5e5-83c78ff41a33] Headers: {"host":"","user-agent":"python-httpx/0.14.3","accept":"*/*","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate","connection":"keep-alive","content-type":"application/json","x-tr-applicationid":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","content-length":"161"}
    [2020-10-16 12:30:46.780|1|data-api|3|DEBUG] Sending usage tracking payload {"Target":"/UsageTracking","RequestType":"send","Method":"EventRawData","MethodParam":{"EventName":"RequestReceived","EventProperties":"{\"AppKey\":\"1fdf06af15764dc79e27fa4760bb77464642e8f8\",\"EndPoint\":\"SymbologySearch\",\"API\":\"Eikon Data APIs\"}","ProjectToken":"881d83de3bf9490988d03e2250149e5a"}} on EikonBus channel /UsageTracking
    [2020-10-16 12:30:47.865|1|api-svc|3|DEBUG] Request -> has a response with status code: 200

    Check especially how API Proxy manages each request (search "New incoming POST request").


  • Hi,

    Could you detail your Eikon version and APPs versions (from Eikon Help About windows) ?

    And just to avoid confusion, confirm version of python libs:

    • eikon
    • httpx
    • nest-asynco

  • @niskrev What versions of the following are you running:

    Eikon Desktop

    Eikon Library


    Also please see this thread and let us know how you get on.

  • Eikon Desktop: 4.0.52005

    python libraries:

    eikon: 1.1.2

    http3: 0.6.7 (I dont have httpx installed, in case it's relevant, the version of requests I have is 2.22.0)

    nest-asynco : 1.0.0


  • @""jason.ramchandani I reinstalled eikon and now have 1.1.6.post3

    installed httpx==0.14.3

    nest-asyncio is 1.3.3

    python is 3.7.7

    cleared the EIKON cache (but kept Keep Apps cache box checked)

    The error I get now is

    Error on handshake port 9060 : JSONDecodeError('Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)')

    The PS script produces an output file which to too big to attach here (991KB). So instead I attach the parts which seem most relevant. short_output.txt

  • @niskrev

    You can try the following commands in PowerShell.

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -Method POST
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -Method POST
  • Hi,

    eikon 1.1.7 is available on pypi.

    Not sure that will fix your issue but it'll provide more information in logs and JSONDecodeError is well managed.

    Could you update and retry with "ek.set_log_level(1)" in your script ?

    Could you check also in Eikon logs the file APIProxy.yyyymmdd.hhmmss.txt ?
    (it should be in C:\ProgramData\Thomson Reuters\Eikon Data\Logs\TRD\Eikon.202010dd.hhmmss.pxxxx directory)

  • This is the content of the log file:

    start node
    Arg: C:\Program Files (x86)\Thomson Reuters\Eikon\X\Bin\Eikonbox.exe C:\Users\eeu227\AppData\Local\Thomson Reuters\Eikon User\Cache\LibraryCache\Apps\REFINITIVHOLDINGS.EIKON.DATAAPIPROXY\\index.js -TraceLevel=-1

    I updated to eikon 1.1.7 but still get the same error

  • pierre.faurel,

    Setting ek.set_log_level(1) provided some useful information but I can only see it on the screen, couldn't find it in the logs. The message is basically that the site has been blocked by my organization. Among other things, the message on the screen shows the following, followed by the line "Access Blocked".

    2020-10-19 16:29:10,600 P[25128] [MainThread 25132] Port 9060 was retrieved from .portInUse file
    2020-10-19 16:29:10,601 P[25128] [MainThread 25132] Try to handshake on url
    2020-10-19 16:29:10,602 P[25128] [MainThread 25132] Request to
            headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-tr-applicationid': '859e545618c948d39d7d7b34ddaa16a8e01f8a59'}
            params = None
    2020-10-19 16:29:10,842 P[25128] [MainThread 25132] HTTP request response 200

    I can request access to an URL to be unblocked, but am not sure what it is, is it Thanks for your help!

  • This becomes too technical and personal.

    If you can see an "Access Blocked", I'll suggest to use a tool like Fiddler, or to check with your IT which access was blocked.

    To avoid any exchange of individual data, could you contact the Refinitiv support to send this request and specify to contact dev team.
    Support will contact us.