I would like to have the GDP growth Y/Y expectation for the year end for several countries

I tried with ek.get_timeseries('aITWOGDPR',start_date='2020-12-31',end_date='2020-12-31',interval='yearly') and it worked for a while but then I tried again and I got this message 'EikonError: Error code -1 | aITWOGDPR: TimeSeries request failed |'.

What does this error mean? Do I have just to wait Reuters fix the problem?

Best Answer

  • Hi @matteo.avigni

    I tested the code for more than 20 times.

    The code only works for 2-3 times.

    So I think there is a problem with the backend.

    I reported this issue on your behalf to Refinitiv Helpdesk.

    Ticket no. 09268118 was created and the staff will contact you soon.



  • @matteo.avigni Please try the request again - sometimes when the server is very busy, some requests fail - if running regularly this is usually remedied by defensive coding in a try-catch structure.

  • Ticket no.09268118 has been closed and the resolution is:

    "Please try the request again - sometimes when the server is very busy, some requests fail - if running regularly this is usually remedied by defensive coding in a try-catch structure "
    This is in fact Defensive Coding that protects the Head End. An article has been submitted and closing Break Fix Case - Project related updates.