Contract Expiry


Why isn't the field "EXPIR_DATE" consistently available for futures contracts (expired or not)?

The following gives the field value only for the active (non-expired) contract:

dfe, _ = ek.get_data(['MZNH20^2', 'MZNH20', 'MZNH21'], 'EXPIR_DATE')

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    As mentioned by my colleague, those RICs are expired or invalid so their data may not be available via the get_data method. You need to contact Refinitiv Content Helpdesk to confirm it.

    However, I have tried to use other APIs to retrieve the expiration date for MZNH20^2 and found that DSS REST API can return this information.


    For more information about DSS REST API, please refer to this page.


  • Hi @r0k3

    Seems that MZNH20^2 and MZNH20 are not valid RIC.


    If you still have further questions regarding content.

    Please contact Refinitiv Content Helpdesk at

  • Expired or invalid :)

    Are the symbols of expired contracts "invalid". Why?

    I have put both the original symbol (MZNH20) and the expired version of it (MZNH20^2) so we can see the difference.

    Why shouldn't one be able to get data items for a contract that was live a day ago but not today (after expiry) ? Although you show now you can get it but from a different API.

    I am confused. Not sure what to do - ask my company to buy a new API access?

  • @r0k3

    Sorry about that.

    First, you need to directly contact Eikon Excel support team via MyRefinitiv to verify if it is possible to retrieve an expiration date for <MZNH20> or <MZNH20^2> via the TR excel function.


    If yes, we can apply it to the get_data method in Eikon Data API to retrieve the same information.

    If not, please contact your local Refinitv Sales team for alternative methods.

  • Thank you,

    I can confirm the data is not available in excel neither:
