Get market-price bid/ask rates

I'm re-integrating into RFA, but I get no data regarding the symbols I ask for.
I'm using a working code, based on the tutorial code provided for our trial period and I am able to connect to the service, d/l dictionary and directory files, but I only get a few events, and all of them contains data-type = 128 (meanning respMsg.getDataType() == OMMTypes.NO_DATA).

Any ideas why app isn't received with any data?

Best Answer

  • Steven McCoy
    Answer ✓

    Responses messages with NO_DATA are likely to be STATUS messages informing you of a connectivity issue for example you are requesting instruments from an incorrect service name. Please try running one of the example consumers such as com/reuters/rfa/example/omm/cons/StarterConsumer which and examine the source directory response message for available services and configure the subscriptions appropriately. The default service name in the example is DIRECT_FEED however the service you are connecting to maybe something like ELEKTRON_EDGE, hEDD, or ELEKTRON_DD.

    You may find the learning curve significantly easily looking at EMA/Java instead of RFA/Java and will sit your application in better stead for future enhancements to the Elektron data set.


  • @pavel.2 What are the symbols you are trying to retrieve data?

    Normally, BID comes with FID 22 and ASK comes with FID 25. Perhaps, you may try some different item names such as EUR=, JPY= or GBP= which usually have frequent update ticks. You should probably get some updates with BID/ASK values.