Facing issue while implementing RKD JSON Application with

Hey Members,

I tried to implement this - https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/how-to-implement-trkd-json-application-with-python-chapter-1-basic, and having issue to executing time error.


TimeStamp: 09:24:20.875

ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient

Severity: Warning

Text: Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel_1

coles estub

Instance Name Consumer_1_1

Have authentivated these as follows

  • Username
  • Application ID (AppID)
  • Password

Data. format creating issue


"CreateServiceToken_Response_1": {

"Expiration": "2017-05-09T08:55:52.6017Z",

"Token": "AAA"



it's not being execute

Kindly help me to find the execute this, m getting error,

Thanks in advance



Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hello William,

    I am somewhat confused by your question. You are trying to invoke a RKD REST API endpoint, but the messages in your question appear to be from Realtime SDK (formarly EMA). Just to try, I downloaded the examples from the github linked in the article, and was successful in getting an access token - without any modifications.

    Can you please confirm that the unmodified python sample works for you, and that you have valid Refinitiv Knowledge Direct credentials.



  • Hello @techzylo

    Did you have a chance to test the unmodified trkd_authen.py script as suggested by my colleague? The other way to verify your RKD permission is via the RKD APi product page by logging to the page with your RKD credential.