How can I get dividend yield data using python API?

I am using following to get dividend payout ratio, in the similar way how can I get dividend yield data?

df, err = ek.get_data([m_ric], ['TR.F.DivPayoutRatioPct', ''], {'ConsolBasis':'All', 'Frq':'FQ', 'SDate':'2010-12-31', 'EDate':'2020-10-26'})

Best Answer

  • Hi Uday @"",

    You may use the Data Item Browser on your Refinitiv Workspace to look for fields for any one RIC. Doing so myself for HSBC - for example - I found the 'TR.DividendYield' field. As an example, you may want to use the bellow:

    df, err = ek.get_data(['m_ric '], ['TR.F.DivPayoutRatioPct', '', 'TR.DividendYield', ''], {'ConsolBasis':'All', 'Frq':'FQ', 'SDate':'2010-12-31', 'EDate':'2020-10-26'})

    Is that the field you were looking for?


  • Thanks!

    Whats the difference between TR.F. & TR.

    ['TR.F.DivPayoutRatioPct', '', 'TR.DividendYield', '']

  • The 'F' there stands for 'Fundamentals'. field are the new fundamental data types, the same as Reuters Co. Fundamentals. You can find them in the Overview page's menu dropdown:
