Error connecting to Eikon Desktop API


I am trying to run the below script:

import eikon as ek



and I get the below error:

P[17764] [MainThread 444] Error code 500 | Server Error: {"code":500,"message":"getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND","statusMessage":"Internal Server Error"}

P[17764] [MainThread 444] HTTP request failed: EikonError-Server Error: {"code":500,"message":"getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND","statusMessage":"Internal Server Error"}

Best Answer

  • We had a similar problem. It seems to result from the fact that the Python run does not find the Eikon port.

    We solved the problem by uninstalling (several) versions of Python and to make a clean installation with Pip (and not Conda). Also we no longer used a virtual environment.

    So without having identified the exact problem, we could get a fully operational installation.


  • This error appeared after I was switched to full subscription after my trial. This is the first time I try to use the API after the switch. Before it was working well under the trial

  • Hello @s397432,

    An intermittent error 500 often indicates a brief condition, an intermittent failure on the server side, which will usually resolve quickly and without any action required on the client side.

    However, error message body ""getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND " appears to indicate that Eikon proxy acting on your behalf is not able to establish connectivity upstream, as it is not reaching the required endpoint.

    If that is the case, the error will not resolve without action, the connectivity will need to be verified.

    Can you ping successfully?

  • I think your code is correct, except that you should write "test" at the end. I have verified your code. (The App Key is hidden.)

    Perhaps the cause is that your EIKON or Workspace is not online. (Temporarily offline / Not running App)


  • Thanks, I know the code is correct as it came from Eikon website and Eikon was obviously running and working. The issue isn't with how I use the API but with how Eikon is setup on my machine. Unfortunately I have to go through this open forum to get help on that which is likely to be a software set up issue or a port issue, something along these lines.

  • I am getting the exact same error message with similar code.

  • Thank you, I am using Conda, so your answer makes sense.

  • Hello @s397432

    Sorry for the late reply, you can use "ping " command in a terminal/command prompt to test a connection from you machine to server.


    You can find more detail regarding the ping command on this web site.