Company trees don't match in Eikon online tool and the Eikon Proxy API

Dear all,

I've noticed that the company trees differ between the Eikon online tool and the Eikon Proxy API. When I download Porsches company tree (4295869130) to excel via the Eikon online tool, I get 1020 perm_ids in the tree. When I use the API, I get 912. My query is: 'SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(public,private))), Contains(TR.UltimateParentId,"4295869130"))'.

How can I get the same results via the API and the Online tool?


  • @christoph.b thanks for your question - I can indeed replicate the issue (I added an OR TR.ImmediateParent as that is what I saw in the Company Tree hoping it might add something - but it doesn't add anything:

    df,err = ek.get_data('SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(public,private))), Contains(TR.UltimateParentId,"4295869130") OR Contains(TR.ImmediateParent,"4295869130")),['TR.OrganizationID'])



    and I can see the Company Tree app showing 1020 entries (subsidiaries = 1010, Affiliates =10) - so even assuming Affiliates might not be captured by the API, it still leaves significant missing entries.

    I believe this is a content question more than an API issue per se - so you would need to open a ticket with the helpdesk (Helios Menu => contact us) who would be able to look into this and get you a proper resolution or explanation. Please put a link to this thread in that request. I hope this can help.

  • @jason.ramchandani thank you for your answer. Could you explain why this would it be a content issue? I'm getting these errors for many companies, it seems to me that this could be a systematic issue. 4295869198 is another example. Shouldn't the content of the Eikon Webtool and the Eikon API proxy always match?