BackingStoreException at startup

Hi Team,

While starting the application which connects to Reuters services, in my case dIDN_RDF. We could see the below error but the application continue to receive and process the updates :

ERROR [stderr] (ReutersNamespace::ReutersConsumerSession Session EventQueueGroup) BackingStoreException during checkForLink for path: /com/reuters/rfa/_System

Please can you suggest what's the meaning of error and how we can avoid this ?

Thanks in advance !!


Best Answer

  • Further to this:

    If you dream of avoiding Java Preferences (with all its weird quirks of using Windows Registry , hidden files and what not) and instead just want to have a old-school config file next to your application, but you do not have access to the source code of the application or for whatver reason do not want to mess with it ... then what ??


    Just add Preferences2Go to your application's startup. It was created for this exact purpose. The change is completely transparent to your application and to the RFA Library.


  • It is really an error from the Java Preferences sub-system, not from RFA itself. Just google BackingStoreException and Java Preferences. I find that Java Preferences is one of the less intelligent things in Java. It is a fine API but the implementation on Windows - which is to use the Win Registry - just throws most Java devs off. Luckily you can use your own Java Preferences implementation instead of the default one (and this would be completely transparent to the RFA lib) or you could avoid using Java Preferences altogether by using ConfigDb in RFAJ.

    You error is likely caused by lack of access to the relevant node in Java Preferences which on Windows would translate into lack of access to the relevant key in the Win Registry.

    Unless you really dig Java Preferences - and are familiar with its quircks - I suggest to avoid it.

    Best of luck



  • Thank you very much for the response. Its really helpful :)

  • alokreturns,

    Try to run your application using an admin account first, then re-run it in normal user account. That should fix your problem.



  • Hey,

    First off, kudos to Alokreturns for bringing up this issue – tackling errors is never fun, but this community has always been great at finding solutions together. Since we're talking about a startup, I'd suggest looking into this: Software Company For Startups: 6 Ways To Find Your Ideal Provider. If you missed the information on this page, here is my advice.

    I can totally understand the frustration of encountering a BackingStoreException during startup – these tech hiccups can really put a damper on things. From my experience, this error often points to a problem with the preferences or configuration data storage. It seems like the application might be struggling to access or save some essential data.

    Alokreturns, I'd suggest checking the permissions and accessibility of the directory where this application stores its configuration data. Also, ensure that the necessary storage components are properly installed and functioning. Sometimes, simply cleaning up temporary files and restarting the application can do wonders.

    I've worked with Reuters services before, and while they're powerful, they can be a bit finicky. So, don't hesitate to reach out to their support as well – they might have some insights specific to their service.