How can I pull today's news using Eikon API?

Hi, I have been trying to pull yesterday's + today's news using Eikon API but was unable to do so as it returns me an empty dataframe. Kindly advice on how this could be done pls.

This was the code that i had used:

headlines = ek.get_news_headlines("R:Economy AND PMI", Count = 10, today()-1, today(), False, False)

Best Answer


  • Hi @chavalit.jintamalit, thank you for the reply. I have tried the sample query above, however, it has returned me with this issue.

    AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'convert_dtypes'

    Any idea how i can solve this?

  • Hi @rahman.abrahim

    I think it may be related to the Eikon Desktop/Proxy version and API version.

    This is the version I am using:


    My Eikon Data API version is 1.1.7

    Please try to update the version using pip install --upgrade eikon command