What does NULL mean?

I'm trying to get specific funds monthly NAV values and tried getting the data by the TR.FundNAV function. I get some values, but mostly NULL values. What does this mean? What can I do about it?

Should I use time-series or real-time and fundamental when I'm trying to get a hold of the monthly nav values?

Best Answer

  • TR.FundNAV is the right field name. It's hard to say why you retrieve null values without an example. I just tried retrieving end of month timeseries for TR.FundNAV for the last year for a few random funds, and the result was returned successfully as expected. It would be very helpful to know the exact call you make to request the data and to have a sample of the results you receive. Here's the call that I made on my end.

    ek.get_data(['LP68351404', 'QQQ.O', 'LP68137308'], 
                {'EDate':'-1Y', 'SDate':'0D', 'Align':'ME'})