Return formula from day x to day y

Dear Friends,

I am building an excel database, where I have the date of IPO of more than 1000+ companies and I am interested to find the return after 365 days from the initial public offering. Example what's the stock return of company x which has IPO on the 1st of january 2015 to january 2016.

This is what I am building. if anyone could give me a formula, that would be amazing!!!


Best Answer

  • If you're looking for a price return, you need the closing price on the date of the IPO and on the date a year after. E.g.


    Facebook stock lost 31.34% in the first year since IPO.
    If you're looking for a total return, you can use

    =TR("FB.O","TR.TotalReturn","SDate=18-May-2012 EDate=18-May-2013")

    In case of Facebook the result is the same, since the company hasn't been paying dividends since it went public.


  • Ok I have tried with the 2nd formula you gave. However, I am getting "NULL".

    =@TR($C$4,"TR.TotalReturn","SDate=#1 EDate=#2",,$F$4,$H$4)

    $C$4= ticker

    $F$4=start date

    $H$4=end date

    how can i solve this issue?

  • What are the values of ticker, start date and end date? To tell why a function returns a certain value one needs to know the exact inputs.

  • The ticker I have placed are RIC, start date and end date are in date format in Excel.



    IPO DATE= 06/01/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy)

    END DATE= 06/01/2016

  • Price history for CWBR.OQ only goes back to 15-Dec-2017, when the stock was listed and commenced trading on NASDAQ. This is why the function returns null for the total return between your dates. Prior to being listed on NASDAQ the stock traded on the OTC Markets (RIC CWBR.PQ^L17) and on TSX Ventures Exchange (RIC COBu.V^D18). Since the stock got listed on NASDAQ, it was removed from trading on the OTC markets and was delisted from TSX Ventures Exchange. The presence of the caret symbol in the above RICs signifies that the RICs refer to a delisted stock. To get the total return on the Cohbar Inc. stock over the first year since IPO use RIC COBu.V^D18. =TR("COBu.V^D18","TR.TotalReturn","SDate=06-Jan-2015 EDate=06-Jan-2016") returns -29.03%.