Retrieve financial data of companies trading on other global exchanges

Can I retrieve financial data of companies using TRKD fundamental API "Get Financial Statements Reports"/


NARI Technology Development is a Chinese company that trades on the Shanghai Index (SHA) - symbol is 6004060

Alrosa is a Russian company that trades on the Moscow Index (MCX) - symbol is ALRS

How can I retrieve financial data of these companies.

Best Answer

  • wim.ooms
    Answer ✓

    RKD API also gives every user access to the search service. With this service 'Search V2' you can find the RIC code starting from the company name or exchange ticker .In the RKD API support portal, there are a few examples available .


  • Hi @""vijay.singh , Would you mind providing more details as to what you mean by 'Retrieve financial data'? You may retrieve financial data on the Refintiiv Workspace, simply searching for 'NARI Technology Development' or 'Alrosa'; you may get data programmatically using Python - more info on that here - using lines such as:

    import eikon as ek

    df, err = ek.get_data("600406.SS", ['CF_Name', 'TR.Close'])

    That returns the following:


    You may also choose to use other languages - more on that here.

  • Hello @jonathan.legrand, I am using below mentioned TRKD API.

    Can I call this API for the companies which are traded on other global exchanges? The answer now is yes. I will just have to append the stock exchange name at the end of company symbol. for example 600406.SS where SS is stock exchange code.

    Can you please help me in getting the name and codes for stock exchanges? image

  • The RKD API search service provides the mapping from an exchange code or company name to a RIC code - I asked for access myself to dig into the question some more and see this specific service in action.