Can we download un-adjusted stock price under DEX2 COM API

Hi team, using Excel VBA and DEX2 COM API, is it possible to download un-adjusted historical stock price?

I am trying "Adjusted:0" in either "Request Parameters" and "Display Parameters" and no luck. Any thoughts?

Best Answer

  • I suspect you're using TR.PriceClose field, which does not provide unadjusted price history. Use TR.CLOSEPRICE instead:

    Public Sub GetUnadjustedPriceHistory()
        If oDEX2Mgr Is Nothing Then
            Set oDEX2Mgr = CreateReutersObject("Dex2.Dex2Mgr")
            Set oDEX2MgrADC = oDEX2Mgr
            lCookie = oDEX2MgrADC.Initialize(DE_MC_ADC_POWERLINK)
        End If
        Set oRData = oDEX2Mgr.CreateRData(lCookie)
        oRData.InstrumentIDList = "AAPL.O"
        oRData.FieldList = Array("TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0)")
        oRData.RequestParam = "SDate=0 EDate=-1Y Frq=D"
        oRData.DisplayParam = "CH:Fd RH:Date"
        oRData.Subscribe False
    End Sub


  • Alex, thanks. That works!

    Curious, what's the exact difference between TR.PriceClose and TR.ClosePrice, in the context of DEX2 COM API. Say I have a few dozen stock tickers and I am downloading their historical prices, which field is preferred? Many thanks.

  • See the explanation in the accepted answer on this thread.

  • Thank you. You answered all my questions. Appreciated.