Error on handshake port 9000

I am getting the following error when i try to run my downloader in Spyder.

Error on handshake port 9000 : ReadTimeout(ReadTimeout)

I am unsure what is causing this as it has been working perfectly well for months until 2 days ago

Best Answer

  • @babenkodes

    Thank you for the logs, they are most helpful. It looks like your machine is experiencing connectivity problems with Eikon platform. Specifically it cannot establish HTTPS tunnel with endpoint. Do you experience any problems with Eikon application? With these symptoms I would expect to see that, while your Eikon application may be able to retrieve some data like streaming market data, it would fail to retrieve other types of data like perhaps fully display Global Crude Overview page or Top News page or timeseries in charts.
    Eikon periodically automatically executes a system test in the background. I see a record of a bunch of intermittent failed data retrieval tests lately with this Eikon account. However, it looks like the Eikon account you use is utilized by multiple users on several machines, hence it's difficult to ascertain whether the system test failures other users utilizing this account experienced is relevant to the problem you're having. In any case, I suggest you open a ticket with Refinitiv Helpdesk to look into the connectivity problems with Eikon application.


  • Hi @babenkodes

    What are the Eikon Desktop and API Proxy and Eikon Data API version?

    I tested Eikon Data API 1.1.7 with Eikon Desktop and API Proxy in this picture and it works fine.


  • Tell me please where I can see "About"

  • From the main menu of Eikon application select Help - About Refinitiv Eikon.

  • I am use Eikon Data API 1.1.2 and API Proxy

  • I am use Eikon Data API 1.1.2 and API Proxy

  • Hi @babenkodes

    Please update the EIkon Data API version using this command:

    pip install --upgrade eikon

    And please try again.

  • Thank you for sharing the version numbers. As the next step we need to increase the logging level and collect a bunch of logs. Run Eikon Configuration Manager from Windows Start menu, select Logs tab and set Refinitiv Desktop trace level to "4 - Debug". Click Configure and restart Eikon. Then run the following code to reproduce the problem and output pyeikon log to pyeikon.log file.

    import eikon as ek 
    import logging
    logging.basicConfig(filename='pyeikon.log', level=1,                     
    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

    Collect pyeikon.log file. Then collect SxS.<datetime>.<pid>.txt and APIProxy.<datetime>.<pid>.txt log files from Eikon logs folder (C:\ProgramData\Thomson Reuters\Eikon Data\Logs\TRD\Eikon.<datetime>.<pid>). Once you've collected the logs, you can put them in a zip file and attach it to your post. Don't forget to reverse logging settings after collecting the logs. You don't want Eikon and Python to keep outputting debug level logging.

  • Tell me please where I can see pyeikon.log

    When I try to run your commands, I get the following output:


  • It should be created in the same folder where the Jupyter notebook you're running is saved.

  • He`s not there. Could this be due to an error?

  • No, this is not due to an error. You could try searching for pyeikon.log file. Or instead of relying on the default location you could provide explicit path to where the file will be created:

    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
  • Speak Russian?

  • I personally do indeed speak Russian. But on a public forum we prefer all posts to be in English, since the audiences for this forum are from all over the world.

  • @babenkodes

    Some clients found an issue with Eikon 4.0.52 build. You can try the following command in PowerShell.

    Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -Body (@{"AppKey"="<appkey>";"AppScope"="trapi";"ApiVersion"="1";"LibraryName"="RDP Python Library";"LibraryVersion"="1.1.7"}|ConvertTo-Json) -Uri http://localhost:9000/api/handshake -ContentType application/json

    Typically, you will get the following response.


    However, if you get the error response, rolling back the Eikon to 4.0.51 may solve the issue.

    {"code":500,"message":"connect ETIMEDOUT","statusMessage":"Internal Server Error"}
    At line:1 char:1
    + Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -Body (@{"AppKey"="bd478b1b5a88421cb40 ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-WebRequest], WebException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand

  • pip install --upgrade eikon
    Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
    'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
  • I am get the following response:


    Tell me please how I can rolling back the Eikon to 4.0.51?

  • Then let's continue in English, but my English is bad, so I apologize in advance. The logs in the

  • Tell me please how I can open a ticket with Refinitiv Helpdesk?

  • You can use Contact Us capability in your Eikon application (from the main Eikon menu select Help - Contact Us) or visit MyRefinitiv.