chain record without field list

Hello, everyone, my application receives UpdateMsg from 1#AWRE*.U with follow message:


It indicates with following chain record 2#AWRE*.U. But when I register 2#AWRE*.U again, I received the following RefreshMsg:


The problem is the message has no field list payload which cause my application to crash when calling refreshMsg.getPayload().getFieldList(). My question why the refresh msg is sent without any field list. Since it's chained with previous record 1#AWRE*.U, at least fid 814 LONGPREVLR and fid 815 LONGNEXTLR which indicates the next chain record should be sent. But the message has no any field, why is that ?

Best Answer

  • @wangfugen

    It could be a content issue. According to the RDM usage guide, the payload of the Market Price Refresh message is a required field.


    Now, 2#AWRE*.U contains the data. Please confirm.


    First, you need to contact the Data Feed team via MyRefinitiv to verify the problem at that time.


  • @wangfugen

    I test the RIC with the ema consumer app and I get the same result as the Quote App screenshot provided by Jirapongse.

    Below is my console output.

    Item Name: 2#AWRE*.U
    Service Name: ELEKTRON_DD
    Item State: Open / Ok / None / 'All is well'
    Name: PROD_PERM Value: 77
    Name: RDNDISPLAY Value: 160
    Name: RDN_EXCHID Value:  blank
    Name: CURRENCY Value: USD
    Name: TRD_UNITS Value: 2DP
    Name: REF_COUNT Value: 4
    Name: RECORDTYPE Value: 120
    Name: LONGLINK1 Value: AWREG162100500.U
    Name: LONGLINK2 Value: AWRES162100500.U
    Name: LONGLINK3 Value: AWREG162100750.U
    Name: LONGLINK4 Value: AWRES162100750.U
    Name: LONGLINK5 Value:  blank
    Name: LONGLINK6 Value:  blank
    Name: LONGLINK7 Value:  blank
    Name: LONGLINK8 Value:  blank
    Name: LONGLINK9 Value:  blank
    Name: LONGLINK10 Value:  blank
    Name: LONGLINK11 Value:  blank
    Name: LONGLINK12 Value:  blank
    Name: LONGLINK13 Value:  blank
    Name: LONGLINK14 Value:  blank
    Name: LONGPREVLR Value: 1#AWRE*.U
    Name: LONGNEXTLR Value:  blank
    Name: OFF_CD_IND Value: CUS
    Name: PREF_DISP Value: 2210
    Name: PREF_LINK Value:  blank
    Name: RDN_EXCHD2 Value: OPQ
    Name: MKT_SECTOR Value: 0
    Name: CONTEXT_ID Value: 2271
    Name: DDS_DSO_ID Value: 8289

    Do you still found the issue that you get an empty field list?

  • @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai @moragodkrit.chumsri_1 Sorry for late reply as I could not login into developer site the next several days after publishing this post. The problem started at about 6:10 on that day, and lasted until 6:38 when fixed. During that time, my application continued to reboot due to that invalid refreshmsg. I'v already contacted the Data Feed Team via MyRefinitive. They have been investigating the problem, but until now I am still waiting for further reply. Thanks you two!