congestion error

we had a number congestion error happened to one application using SSL 8101. The subscription happened at midnight 12am for 1 hr but occurred few times stopped in middle due to congestion error. logged support ticket Case : 09304315 but were told not caused by TREP infra, rather than API error. Can advise pls

< Notice: Wed Oct 28 00:55:55 2020> Suspended requests due to transport congestion. <END> < Warning: Wed Oct 28 00:55:55 2020> RRCP STATUS MSG: RRCP_CONG_BEGIN: possible congestion sets in From Port 50100 <END> < Notice: Wed Oct 28 00:55:56 2020> Resumed requests that were suspended due to transport congestion. <END> < Warning: Wed Oct 28 00:55:56 2020> RRCP STATUS MSG: RRCP_CONG_END: congestion ends From Port 50100 <END>

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