How to retrieve the market share & total shares outstanding


I am sorry for so much questions lately, but I just have a lot of work to do with the Eikon API. With the following formula I am able to retrieve the Market Cap for every trading day of a RIC.

market_caps, err = ek.get_data(RIC,['TR.CompanyMarketCap.Date' ,'TR.CompanyMarketCap', 'TR.CompanyMarketCap.Currency'], {'SDate': start_date, 'EDate': end_date, 'DateType' : 'ED'})

Normally, market cap divided by stock price equals the number of shares. However, that's not true in 100 % of all cases, what is understandable. Therefore I wonder, how can I get the total number of shares outstanding for every trading day?

My second question is company related: Is it also possible to get the market share a company has in his industry or sector for every trading day? I know, that the market share does not to get measured every trading day new, however it would be still intresting to know if that is possible.

Thank you guys in advance!

Best Answer

  • @pfarrer.braun Here I put in a couple of different measures of shares outstanding - you can check the exact descriptions as they do differ slightly in what they include eg fully diluted etc. But they are available on a daily basis for you.

    market_caps, err = ek.get_data('VOD.L',['TR.CompanyMarketCap.Date' ,'TR.CompanyMarketCap','TR.CompanyMarketCap.Currency','TR.F.ComShrOutsTot',
    {'SDate': '2020-10-30', 'EDate': '2018-10-30', 'FRQ':'D','period':'FY0'})



    I hope this can help regarding your first point.
