Server Error: code 500 by downloading the data from eikon

I am using Eikon Data API in Python as follows:

import eikon as ek
ek.get_news_headlines('R:LHAG.DE', date_from='2019-03-06T09:00:00',

and get the following error message:

Error code 500 | Server Error: {"code":500,"message":"getaddrinfo
ENOTFOUND emea1.apps.cp.","statusMessage":"Internal Server Error"}

A similar problem is described here .

Probably, the following infos are requorde:



Eikon-Desktop: 4.0.52

and http://localhost:9000/ping?all supplies


Best Answer

  • Hi,

    The issue described here is a connect ETIMEDOUT and was because of nest-asyncio 1.4.1

    Your issue is a getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND (It could be caused by DNS or proxy)

    Could you apply following steps :

    1. Open http://localhost:9000/api/status to check if API Proxy is running.
    2. Verify if Refinitiv server is authorized by your proxy
      Run cmd.exe then type "ping", you should have following result:
      Reply from bytes=32 time=34ms TTL=242
    3. In your script, activate verbose log and when you set app_key, you can test if connection is up before continue as follow:
    ek.set_log_level(1)ek.set_app_key('.....')state = ek.get_desktop_session().get_open_state()if state == ek.Session.State.Open:
        ek.get_news_headlines('R:LHAG.DE', date_from='2019-03-06T09:00:00', date_to='2019-03-06T18:00:00')

    4. Lastly, if you can define environment variable HTTPX_LOG_LEVEL=trace then run your script, we'll have full logs to investigate and check what's the root cause of this error code 500

    FYI, a new version (1.1.8) was just released on


  • I have this same problem. However I am failing at step 2 ("ping"). I checked with my IT department and there seems to be no security issues. During troubleshooting there was a period where the ping worked and I was able to get data. However this stopped after 10 min.

    Not sure how to proceed from here. Any help would be appreciated.

  • the problem is, if you are behind a firewall for example it is not possible to ping through a firewall.

  • Firewall must be configured to allow access to Refinitiv servers (like

    You should contact customer support or your account manager to request Refinitiv Eikon Networking Guide and additional server list for Eikon Data API to forward it to your IT.

  • Why is it possible to connect to the eikon server by using Excel? Which server is addressing by using Excel?

  • As Eikon add-in for Excel is a part of Eikon product, your IT already allowed needed servers for it.
    Eikon Data API connects to additional servers on the platform that were not listed in Eikon Networking Guide before.

  • Hi thank you for your response. I have requested the Networking guide. I just had another question. I brought this issue to our IT department and they said pinging 443 works (telnet 443). but the default was 80?

    is this something that has to be configured on our end?