Unable to fetch market data using EMA Java runconsumer450 in linux

I have a client trying to execute EMA Java runconsumer450 code in Linux application server. They are getting the following response when entering machine id, password, client id and itemname in command line.


I tried to run the same command in my AWS EC2 environment and I am able to execute. Could this be due to service name (ELEKTRON_DD)? or, probably some other issue?

Best Answer

  • Hi @Sundeep.Tariyal

    Has your client referred to the QuickStart for EMA Java connecting to ERT in Cloud?

    Quick Start | Refinitiv Developers

    If you note the command line parameters on the above QuickStart page and in the help output from the example, you will note that the keyfile and keypasswd are also required e.g.

    ./gradlew runConsumer450 --args='[-username <ERT username/machineId>] [-password <password>]-keyfile /home/ec2-user/Elektron-SDK/Java/keystore.jks -keypasswd changeit' 

    The Prerequisites section of the above page has a link to Java Keystore creation guide page.

    The fact that the example is listing the command line parameters would indicate that one o more parameters are missing when the example is invoked.


  • Thanks @umer.nalla

    I guessed so, but saw keyfile/keypasswd was not marked as mandatory hence the miss.

    Just referred to EMA Java README for keystore creation. There is mention of cacerts file. So can I enter my cacerts file path in keyfile instead, something like:

    -keyfile C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_271\jre\lib\security\cacerts.file -keypasswd changeit

  • Hi @Sundeep.Tariyal

    Sorry - but I am not sure I understand the point you are making in your reply?

    Have you checked the Java Keystore file page mentioned in the Prerequisites section of the QuickStart - that I mentioned in my reply above?

  • Sorry for the confusion. I will check and get back in case of any concern

  • @umer.nalla Thanks, able to get keyfile and keypasswd generated but encountered the below issue.

    Even double checked on the machine ID, password and client ID (executing command on linux application server). Password has special character hence client had tried to execute the command multiple times once with password & single quotes and other without quote.



  • Hi @Sundeep.Tariyal

    Looking at the screenshot above, it looks like the client's password is too short.

    They need to follow the instructions in the 'Welcome to Refinitiv - Your New Account' email they receive which contains their MachineID.

    Step 2 of the above email has a link to activate the MachineID by setting a password - and this password has to be a complex one with a min 30 chars length etc.