Latest version of Eikon API Proxy for MacOS

Hello everyone,

I have Macbook, thus I use web version of Eikon. As I understand, my problem could be solved with Workspace, but as I have only Eikon for Commodities, they cannot grant access to Workspace.

So, the problem is that Eikon API Proxy for MacOS has started to work poorly. I have version 1.0.102. After I log-in into it, press Data Item Browser, I cannot find anything as it loads forever (see the screenshot below). Is there any more recent version of Eikon API Proxy for MacOS? Or maybe there's any other way to work things out? Thank you! image

Best Answer

  • If the only problem is with launching Data Item Browser, a workaround is to use Eikon Web in a browser, do your data exploration using Data Item Browser or CodeCreator apps in Eikon Web, model your data retrieval using Codebook app in Eikon Web. Then, once you're satisfied with the code that retrieves data from Eikon you can copy & paste it from Codebook into whatever IDE you're using, and you can run this code with Eikon API Proxy.


  • Hi @vaidotas.gulbinas

    The latest API Proxy for MAC is 1.0.102


    If you encounter with API Proxy issue, please submit a ticket to Refinitiv Helpdesk at

  • @chavalit.jintamalit

    I have the same issue.

    Going to for opening a ticket leads to a phone number. (For Germany: 0800 738 837 71 ).

    Calling there leads to the developer community ( I was told they don't support the API and I should check the developer community site).


  • Hi @e1.admin

    Eikon Data API Proxy is not an API, it is a standard product.

    Helpdesk should be able to route the ticket to the technical support group.

    I am so sorry for the trouble you have experienced.

    I tried to search for a ticket under your email (registered on this dev portal) but I could not find any recent ticket.

    Can you let me know the ticket number?

    So I can help to communicate with the helpdesk.

  • same issue

  • @chavalit.jintamalit

    there is no ticket since I was not able to open one (neither web, nor phone worked out). Can I do so by e-mail?

  • Hello @e1.admin,

    I am not fully sure why you were not able to open a ticket. Suggest contacting your Refinitiv account manager and they will help you as a customer with issue with Refinitiv account.

    At this time, as the issue looks to be closely related to your local environment, I have opened a support ticket on your behalf case #09427186 .You should hear from Eikon support via email.

  • Alex Putkov Thanks Alex. That seems to work - with Python. However, some of us use R ...

  • The syntax of data retrieval calls is almost identical between Eikon Data APIs libraries for Python and for R. If you model your data retrieval calls in Python using CodeCreator and Codebook apps, you only need to do some minor edits when copying and pasting the expressions into R Studio or whatever IDE you use with R. In the future we plan to support a variety of language specific implementations of data retrieval APIs in CodeCreator and Codebook including R.