How can I access the Eikon Data API using Python on macOS?

I would like to access the Eikon Data API using the "eikon" Python package on macOS. This worked on my machine using the Eikon API Proxy app for macOS. Now, however, the Eikon Data API, the Eikon API Proxy app, or the "eikon" Python package, or all of them together do not work properly anymore. Many requests result in error messages sometimes and at other times the same requests work.

My research in this forum tells that it seems that the Eikon API Proxy app for macOS is no longer supported. I found an answer in this forum to use Refinitiv Workspace instead. I downloaded Refinitiv Workspace and logged in and get the message that I do not have access to it.

Is there any (other) way to access the Eikon Data API using the "eikon" Python package on macOS.

Best Answer


  • Dear @chavalit.jintamalit,

    thanks for your reply. I now spent a considerable amount of time trying to find any working way how to get in touch with your support. When I login to Eikon Web and click on the contact button I have to somehow login again and this ends up in an endless loop of logging in requests. If I try to login to my refinitv I get a 404 page. Sorry about complaining about this here but I feel that your websites are not working very well (at the moment).

    How can I get in touch with you?