Get company ad and marketing expense

Hello Team, could you please tell me about how to get marketing and advertisement expense related info about a company from TRKD platform.

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @vijay.singh

    I have contacted RKD team. Based on the latest Fundamentals data guide (RKD API WM Fundamentals Dataguide Dec 2020.xlsx - download by clicking "Coverages" button), Financial line items are available via summary financials. The team suggests you check that "Selling/General/Admin. Expenses, Total" (SSGA) data.


    I strongly suggest you contact the RKD support team directly via website if you have further questions regarding the RKD content and Service that match your requirement.


  • Hello @vijay.singh

    I am not the data expert but does the Get Financial Statements Reports service's "Selling/General/Admin. Expenses, Total" data is the data that you want?


  • Thanks a lot @wasin.waeosri. I had also seen this feature of financial data i.e SG&A expense. Yes it is one the feature I required.

    I am looking for more detailed data about company marketing and advertisement expense.

  • wasin.waeosri Thanks a lot for your response.

  • To find a person's business email, you can add the GetProspect - email finder tool to a website or other online resource (check how to find corporate email addresses). This tool can be used to look up a person's business email address. You can search for an email address by the name of the company, the domain, or both. You can also search for an email address by both. GetProspect will do the rest. All you have to do is copy and paste the information into the fields. It will also make sure the email address is real before adding it to your list.

  • thanks for the post, I didn't even google that information when I was looking for nursing writing services :)

  • trhrth rthwef we

  • Understanding a company's advertising and marketing expenses is crucial for evaluating its marketing strategies and financial health. By accessing the company's financial reports, such as the income statement, you can find detailed information about its advertising and marketing expenditures. This data provides insights into the company's commitment to promoting its products or services and helps investors assess the effectiveness of its marketing efforts in reaching its target audience.