How to get the full body of a news story?

After subscribing to N2_UBMS for headlines, I've attempted to get the news body by requesting individual PNACs

However I only getting part of the story. I would have expected to keep getting refresh messages until the story was complete.

There is a field MORE_NEWS but I can't find any info on what this means

Is there anything else I need to do?

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    After you subscribe to PNAC, You can get part of the news story from SEG_TEXT field.

    If NEXT_LR field is not empty, you have to subscribe to it and get the next part of the news story.
    You can repeat this process until the NEXT_LR field is empty.


  • Hi @chavalit.jintamalit and @jinhuang,

    Could you please explain how to get the headlines and the the news Body ?

    is it similar to subscribing for the market price feed ? with a different service name ?

  • Hi @yajnasteju,

    To get the headlines: subscribe to market price feed with RIC N2_UBMS, same service name. In the updates messages, you will receive the headlines, with a field named PNAC (field ID 235)

    To get the news body: subscribe to PNAC value .. (as described by @chavalit.jintamalit's answer), market price, same service name.

  • Hi, I am new to this. Could you please share an example how to get news feed? Thanks

  • Hi I am trying to get the newsbody through PNAC, but only get partial.. NEXT_LR field is not retrieving any information.. for example, n#1UqLS902 is the next_lr value for PNAC nBSE9CMH5f .. and i dont see any result retrieved for n#1UqLS902.. Is it possible to retrieve the detail in .net API.. In python, i think there is a method to get ek.get_news_headlines('xxx'), how to do that in .NET API?

    here is the details of the object i get i subscribe to pnac:

    ********Story Detail********************** { "nJseJ0066a": { "RECORDTYPE": { "Field": "RECORDTYPE", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": 232 }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 259, "Name": "RECORDTYPE", "Type": "Int" } }, "X_RIC_NAME": { "Field": "X_RIC_NAME", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "nJseJ0066a" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": -1, "Name": "X_RIC_NAME", "Type": "Alpha" } }, "SEG_TEXT": { "Field": "SEG_TEXT", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "=====================\nAcquisition of Thornhill Shopping Centre\n\nSAFARI INVESTMENTS RSA LIMITED\n(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)\nRegistration number: 2000/015002/06\nApproved as a REIT by the JSE Limited\nShare code: SAR\nISIN number: " }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 258, "Name": "SEG_TEXT", "Type": "Alpha" } }, "PROD_PERM": { "Field": "PROD_PERM", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": 511 }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 1, "Name": "PROD_PERM", "Type": "Int" } }, "RDNDISPLAY": { "Field": "RDNDISPLAY", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": 136 }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 2, "Name": "RDNDISPLAY", "Type": "Int" } }, "PREV_LR": { "Field": "PREV_LR", "Value": { "IsEmpty": true, "RawValue": null }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 237, "Name": "PREV_LR", "Type": "Null" } }, "UNIQUE_SN": { "Field": "UNIQUE_SN", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "nJseJ0066a" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 254, "Name": "UNIQUE_SN", "Type": "Alpha" } }, "NEXT_LR": { "Field": "NEXT_LR", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "n#1UqLT102" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 238, "Name": "NEXT_LR", "Type": "Alpha" } }, "PROC_TIME": { "Field": "PROC_TIME", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "09:36:00" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 256, "Name": "PROC_TIME", "Type": "Time" } }, "PROC_DATE": { "Field": "PROC_DATE", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "2018-09-10T00:00:00" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 255, "Name": "PROC_DATE", "Type": "Date" } }, "AREA_ID": { "Field": "AREA_ID", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "LN" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 1685, "Name": "AREA_ID", "Type": "Alpha" } }, "REG_ID1": { "Field": "REG_ID1", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "2" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 456, "Name": "REG_ID1", "Type": "Alpha" } }, "REG_FIELD1": { "Field": "REG_FIELD1", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 457, "Name": "REG_FIELD1", "Type": "Alpha" } }, "TABTEXT": { "Field": "TABTEXT", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "T" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 723, "Name": "TABTEXT", "Type": "Alpha" } }, "MORE_NEWS": { "Field": "MORE_NEWS", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "R" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 727, "Name": "MORE_NEWS", "Type": "Alpha" } }, "SF_NAME": { "Field": "SF_NAME", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "LDUCDP" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 1686, "Name": "SF_NAME", "Type": "Alpha" } }, "DDS_DSO_ID": { "Field": "DDS_DSO_ID", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": "12303" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 6401, "Name": "DDS_DSO_ID", "Type": "Alpha" } }, "SPS_SP_RIC": { "Field": "SPS_SP_RIC", "Value": { "IsEmpty": false, "RawValue": ".[SPSIDNEM12005" }, "Descriptor": { "Id": 6480, "Name": "SPS_SP_RIC", "Type": "Alpha" } } } } *********End Story Detail********************** *

  • Hello @rvadapally,

    I tested retrieving n#1UqLS902 and get back data below, please check your request and permissions.

    Type: Refresh
    Indication Mask:
    RefreshComplete, ClearCache

    Name Type: RIC
    Service Name: ELEKTRON_EDGE

    PROD_PERM (000001): 511
    RDNDISPLAY (000002): 136
    AREA_ID (001685): LN
    SF_NAME (001686): LDUCDP
    DDS_DSO_ID (006401): 12303 | O@C

    REG_FIELD1 (000457):
    TABTEXT (000723): T
    MORE_NEWS (000727): R
    PREV_LR (000237): nBSE9CMH5f
    NEXT_LR (000238): n#1UqLS903
  • Hello @rvadapally

    Please note, if one has an additional question that is related to a question with accepted answer, it's always better to create a new question. As the new answer after the answer has already been accepted as correct can easily get overlooked by the community