python api streaming price can't work on pycharm?

Hello there,

I use sample code your tutorial provide to run python eikon api streaming prices function. It works well on jupyter as I separate my code in different cells for & streaming_prices.close() function. It keeps receiving newly updated data during the time I run these two cells.

But, if I run same code in the same script in pycharm, it doesn't work that well. It can only runs for the first refresh function and then the program go into end. I tried some different approach such as adding time.sleep or systems.("pause") while still remains the problem. Do you have any advice on this? thanks!

import eikon as ek
import os

def display_fields_refresh(streaming_prices, instrument_name, fields):
print("Fields refresh received for", instrument_name, ":", fields)

def display_fields_update(streaming_prices, instrument_name, fields):
print("Fields updated received for", instrument_name, ":", fields)

if __name__ == '__main__':
streaming_prices = ek.StreamingPrices(
        fields=['SALTIM', 'CF_BID', 'CF_ASK', 'OPEN_PRC', 'CF_HIGH', 'CF_LOW', 'CF_CLOSE', 'VALUE_TS1'],
        on_refresh_refresh=lambda streaming_prices, instrument_name, fields:
        display_fields(streaming_prices, instrument_name, fields),
        on_update=lambda streaming_prices, instrument_name, fields:
        display_fields_update(streaming_prices, instrument_name, fields)
    print("start streaming.......")
    print("stop streaming.......")

Best Answer

  • Hi @lawrence.chiang

    Can you please try replacing your time.sleep() / adding the following after the streaming_prices open() 

    OR something like

    You will need to import asyncio off course


  • sorry, correct some code and provide you with the running result as below. thanks

    def display_fields_refresh(streaming_prices, instrument_name, fields):
    print("Fields refresh received for", instrument_name, ":", fields)

    def display_fields_update(streaming_prices, instrument_name, fields):
    print("Fields updated received for", instrument_name, ":", fields)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
    streaming_prices = ek.StreamingPrices(
    fields=['SALTIM', 'CF_BID', 'CF_ASK', 'OPEN_PRC', 'CF_HIGH', 'CF_LOW', 'CF_CLOSE', 'VALUE_TS1'],
    on_refresh=lambda streaming_prices, instrument_name, fields:
    display_fields_refresh(streaming_prices, instrument_name, fields),
    on_update=lambda streaming_prices, instrument_name, fields:
    display_fields_update(streaming_prices, instrument_name, fields)
    print("start streaming.......")
    # time.sleep(5)
    # os.system('pause')
    # streaming_prices.close()
    print("stop streaming.......")

    start streaming.......

    Fields refresh received for CNH= : {'CF_BID': 6.5174, 'CF_ASK': 6.518, 'OPEN_PRC': 6.516, 'CF_HIGH': 6.5327, 'CF_LOW': 6.5116, 'CF_CLOSE': 6.5165, 'VALUE_TS1': '11:05:25'}

    <eikon.streaming_session.streamingprices.StreamingPrices object at 0x0000015B722631C8>

    stop streaming.......

    Process finished with exit code 0