Eikon API No permission error for MLHR.A

Hello, I am trying to get the timeseries for MLHR.A. Eikon says "the user does not have permission .." After looking into the forum, I tried a different end date than today and I tried putting a slash in front of the ric to get the delayed data. It still does not work. Do you have any other ideas?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    I am able to retrieve the daily time-series data for MLHR.A with the following code.


    It may relate to your permission. You need to contact your Refinitiv Account team to verify the permission.

    Otherwise, please share the code that you are using. I will test it in my environment.


  • I am using the same code and it does not work. I will contact the Refinitiv Team about it then. Thank you!

  • Seems like you have to pay extra for these RICs since they are a part of Nasdaq L1 UTP.