Failed to open or modify item request.

Hi Team,

One of my customer is facing following issue for requesting real time data with EMA version. And customer is connecting to ERT in cloud. Could you please advice what caused this issue and how to avoid it ? Thanks.

Error tips==============

Failed to open or modify item request. Reason: ReactorReturnCodes.FAILURE. Error text: Request reissue while stream state is known as open.

Best Answer


  • add error screenshot


  • Hi @gang.chen1

    Can you please obtain the full log output from the customer as .txt file and upload here as an attachment?

    The information provided is insufficient to understand what is occurring before and after the short snippet included above.

    Please remove any credentials/tokens etc from the output file before uploading.

  • Hi Nalla, please find the attachment. thanks log.txt

  • Hello @gang.chen1

    I have checked the log.txt and found a lot of Dictionary request timeout messages

    十二月 23, 2020 7:02:57 下午 com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.ChannelDictionary processCallback
    警告: loggerMsg
        ClientName: ChannelDictionary
        Severity: Warning
        Text:    RDMDictionary stream state was changed to suspect with status message
        streamId 4
        Reason State: Open/Suspect/None - text: "Request timeout"

    Can the client replicate the issue with EMA Java example 450 (example450__MarketPrice__QueryServiceDiscovery or ex450_MP_QueryServiceDiscovery - if using RTSDK 2.0.0L1)? If so, which "-location" value that the client specify?

  • Hi Wasin,

    Customer is using with example450__MarketPrice__QueryServiceDiscovery. I will let customer try to use RTSDK 2.0.0L1 version to see if the issue still exists.
