EIKON API outputs different results depending on the list of equities called at once.

I want to retrieve' Diluted EPS Including Extra Items' for the list of equities (see the fowling codes)

rics = ['TLG.AX', 'MLD.AX', 'WBT.AX', 'LNU.AX', 'CDV.AX', 'AQZ.AX', 'VRT.AX', 'MVA.AX', 'HPI.AX', 'GEAR.AX', 'REG.AX', 'EHE.AX', 'PAR.AX', 'ECX.AX', 'BBOZ.AX', 'ADH.AX']

field = ['TR.DilutedEpsInclExtra(SDate=0FQ,Period=LTM)']

My problem is that the retrieved values are different depending on the number of equities called at once. In the following codes, for example, 'TLG.AX' is different in df1, df3, and df4.

df1, e = ek.get_data(rics[:1], field)
df2, e = ek.get_data(rics[:2], field)
df3, e = ek.get_data(rics[:5], field)
df4, e = ek.get_data(rics, field)

Please help with this. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    From my checking, the data is for different dates.

    If I add "TR.DilutedEpsInclExtra(SDate=0FQ,Period=LTM).Date" into the field variable, the date will return.

    field = ['TR.DilutedEpsInclExtra(SDate=0FQ,Period=LTM)','TR.DilutedEpsInclExtra(SDate=0FQ,Period=LTM).Date']



    I got the same result when using the Eikon Excel. You need to contact the Eikon support team via MyRefinitiv to verify it.


  • Thank you for the reply! It is a great help.

    Do you have any idea why date changes depending on the list of equities and what can be done to have the same dates?

  • @dosyd

    It is strange. Please directly contact the Eikon support team via MyRefinitiv to verify the behavior.