rmdstestclient capture RIC events

How i can capture spesific events:

this my be reference command line

rmdstestclient -S hEDD -ef enhacedItemfileName -h <host> -p 14002 –ct rssl -o 5000 -u <user> –l stdout –rf 8 –of captureFile

the documentation asy the foolonng regarding enhacedItemfileName

Each entry in the enhanced item file is of the form: <domain>|<itemName> . For example: 6|GOOG.OQ 

what should i do to make it work? to capture for example the rics:


Best Answer

  • @iliak

    First, you need to have a Real-Time data feed and know the hostname or IP address, TCP port (the default port is 14002), and the username to connect to that data feed. Then, you need to know the Real-Time service name available on that data feed.

    Next, create a text file (rics.txt) that contains the following content. The number six represents the MarketPrice domain.


    Then, run the rmdstestclient with the following parameters.

    rmdstestclient -S <service> -ef rics.txt-h <host> -p 14002 –ct rssl -o 5000 -u <user> –l stdout –rf 8 –of data.xml

    The XML data will be captured in the data.xml file.

    You can open the data.xml file to verify the retrieved data.

    For more information, please refer to this article: Quick Start Guide to Recording and Playback of Elektron Data.


  • Hello @iliak

    The rmdstestrclient tool is a general-purpose consuming application that just loads a list of RICs from a file and requests them from a source, then displays all data (messages and status) of that RICs.

    The enhacedItemfileName is for setting the path and name of a file that contains items (i.e., RICs) belonging to different domains that rmdstestclient uses for the test, not for specific events.

    I strongly suggest you contact the ADS support team via https://my.refinitiv.com/ website to help you on rmdstestclient tool command and feature questions.

  • what name should i pick for ADS (in the get support page) ? what product it represent ?

  • We have user and service, we are already connected to live feed.
    i think it works. thanks

  • Hello @iliak

    I found that you already have an answer from my colleague, but if you have further rmdstestclient tool command and feature questions, you can submit a ticket to ADS team via https://my.refinitiv.com/ website. Please choose "Product" as "Refinitiv Real-Time Advanced Distribution Server".
