Hi, I am searching for bong yields in Eikon. I can find government and corporate bonds currently tra

Hi, I am searching for bong yields in Eikon. I can find government and corporate bonds currently traded. Can I find any historical yields in legacy bonds (eg for 10 or 15 year horizon)? Thanks

Best Answer

  • Hi @evan.salachas

    For an authoritative answer to any Eikon product and content questions, the best resource is the Refinitiv Content Helpdesk.
    This forum is dedicated to things specific to the use of Eikon APIs.
    The Refinitiv Content Helpdesk can be reached using Contact Us capability in your Eikon application.
    Or by calling the Helpdesk number in your country.
    Or at https://my.refinitiv.com/

    Providing that the data is available within Eikon, if you would like to replicate the same data retrieval to Eikon Data API, you may request the helpdesk to provide formula in Eikon Excel.

    So you can easily transform that into Eikon API call.