Adfinx Real Time returns nothing

Hi, I want to retrieve historical time series and real time data using Excel VBA. I downloaded the "Complete Microsoft Office APIs Tutorial Samples". Adfinx Real Time functions such as AdxRtList, AdxRtHistory are not working. It is returning "Run time error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set". Other libraries within the sample are working fine (Dex2, Adfin Analytics & RHistory).

Best Answer

  • Hi,

    The issue must be specific to your machine, as we cannot reproduce it on our end. I would suggest you open a service case with Thomson Reuters Helpdesk.


  • Could you confirm which version of Excel you are using please?

  • Hi All

    I had this same problem until I did the following. Not sure exactly which thing fixed it.

    1. Uninstall Office and Eikon

    2. Install 32-bit version of Office - (I think this is the fix).

    3. Install Eikon

    4. Refence all dlls mentioned in PLAVbaApi.bas including rtx.dll, adxoo.dll, adxfo.dll, dex2.dll

    5. Make sure the Add-in "Eikon for Office" is installed and signed in.

    Now it works.

    Kind regards
