How can I get the fiscal year end date for the Environmental Pillar Score?

I found a screener template that shows the ESG score of each company and the associated fiscal year end date for each ESG score.


I would like to rebuild the template for the item "Environmental Pillar Score", but then only the score is displayed and not the corresponding fiscal year end date. How can I have the end date also displayed as shown above? (The screen below shows that only the score is displayed)


Best Answer

  • Hi @DavidGer_2000

    Please refer to the data item parameters, upon selecting the ESG Pillar Score time series - there should be an option to show more settings


    The output option lets you show other available data output related to the chosen data item. In order to show the fiscal year end date like the one in the template, just edit and add "date" .


    **Note that I selected the date output first before the value in the parameters so it would show like the one in the template.