EikonError: Error code 404


As of this morning we are suddenly experiencing the following (never seen) error:

imageRebooting the Eikon Proxy and Eikon itself do not solve the issue. I can already confirm Eikon API is available to us as we use Eikon Commodities and includes API.

How can we solve this issue?

Best Answer

  • @e.aleksandrov ok can you update nest-asyncio to 1.3.3 (pip install nest-asyncio==1.3.3) and try again - if that does not make a difference I will have to open a support ticket for you.


  • hi @e.aleksandrov Can I ask for the following information: which version of Eikon Desktop, Eikon Library, Python, requests library, httpx package, nest-asycio package you are running. Thanks

  • Hi, @jason.ramchandani. We are using Eikon Desktop 4.0, Eikon Library version 1.1.2, Python 3.7.1, request library version 2.22.0, httpx Version 0.16.1, nest-asyncia version 1.0.0.


  • @e.aleksandrov Thanks please can you upgrade your eikon Library and try your request again. pip install eikon==1.1.8

  • Now I get the following error:

    Error on checking port 36036 : HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=36036): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/v1/data (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x00000187BCDBAFD0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it'))

    Error on handshake port None : Failed to parse: http://localhost:None/api/handshake

    Port number was not identified.

    Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running.

    EikonError: Error code -1 | Port number was not identified. Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running.

    The Eikon API Proxy is running

    What should be done?

  • Hi @e.aleksandrov Please can you downgrade httpx to 0.14.2 (pip install httpx==0.14.2) and retry. Thanks

  • Hi @jason.ramchandani, I downgraded the httpx but now it seems nothing happens anymore once I start to retrieve data from eikon. Simply nothing happens when I for example want to pull the last EUR/USD closing rate.

  • @jason.ramchandani thanks for your help. Unfortunately, this did not fix the issue, now the error does not occur anymore but now nothing seems to happen at all. Do you have an idea why this issue could arise out of nothing?

  • @e.aleksandrov I have sent you an email and opened a support ticket for this issue. The team should be in contact shortly.

  • From the case, the problem can be resolved by clearing the cache, updating all API- and Eikon-relevant packages, and then rebooting the systems.