Problem with Eikon API


We are experiencing the issue on Eikon API since last week. API responds once out of 3 times, the user has to wait long enough between two API requests, before that was not the case.

Could you tell us if there is a problem on API and help us?
Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Is this using the code snippet that I provided? If so, there seems to be a network issue. Can you try switching to a different network like Work or Home and try again. If that does not help, then please open a support ticket with


  • @Magouloub please could you paste the code for the API call that is causing issues - so we can try to replicate. In some peak periods there might be loading which causes a timeout but through try-catch type defensive coding you can trap that error and just re-present the failing call.

  • We have a loop “while” that generates two Jsons and sends them to Reuters-API. Reuters answers the first request (JsonInstrument1) and not the second request (JsonInstrument2) for which we have the error: “Timeout waiting for connection from pool”

    The files are generated in the same Loop “while”


  • Hi @Magouloub, Can you please provide code snippet which causes the issue, as requested by Jason. Here is a simple while loop that I tried which keeps getting data for your fields. Note that I am throttling the requests so as not to exceed hit the limits.

    fields = ['TR.MIDPRICE (CALCMETHOD=CLOSE,SDate=0,EDate=-2,Frq=D).date', 
        'TR.MIDPRICE (CALCMETHOD=CLOSE,SDate=0,EDate=-2,Frq=D)',
        'TR.ACCRUEDINTEREST (SDate=0,EDate=-2,Frq=D)', 'TR.ZSPREAD (SDate=0,EDate=-2,Frq=D)',
        'TR.BIDYIELD (SDate=0,EDate=-2,Frq=D)',
        'TR.MODIFIEDDURATION (SDate=0,EDate=-2,Frq=D)']

    while True:
        df, err = ek.get_data("GB086352303=", fields)
        df, err = ek.get_data("US113835966=", fields)


         Instrument                  Date  Mid Price  Accrued Interest  Z Spread  Bid Yield  Modified Duration
    0  GB086352303=  2021-01-13T00:00:00Z    111.637           3.56712    297.45      3.177              3.847
    1  GB086352303=  2021-01-12T00:00:00Z    111.455           3.55068    300.33      3.219              3.848
    2  GB086352303=  2021-01-11T00:00:00Z    111.753           3.53425    297.42      3.154              3.853
         Instrument                  Date  Mid Price  Accrued Interest  Z Spread  Bid Yield  Modified Duration
    0  US113835966=  2021-01-13T00:00:00Z    109.287           0.55233    132.25      1.561              4.276
    1  US113835966=  2021-01-12T00:00:00Z    109.297           0.54247    132.25      1.573              4.278
    2  US113835966=  2021-01-11T00:00:00Z    109.394           0.53260    131.62      1.530              4.282
         Instrument                  Date  Mid Price  Accrued Interest  Z Spread  Bid Yield  Modified Duration
    0  GB086352303=  2021-01-13T00:00:00Z    111.637           3.56712    297.45      3.177              3.847
    1  GB086352303=  2021-01-12T00:00:00Z    111.455           3.55068    300.33      3.219              3.848
    2  GB086352303=  2021-01-11T00:00:00Z    111.753           3.53425    297.42      3.154              3.853
         Instrument                  Date  Mid Price  Accrued Interest  Z Spread  Bid Yield  Modified Duration
    0  US113835966=  2021-01-13T00:00:00Z    109.287           0.55233    132.25      1.561              4.276
    1  US113835966=  2021-01-12T00:00:00Z    109.297           0.54247    132.25      1.573              4.278
    2  US113835966=  2021-01-11T00:00:00Z    109.394           0.53260    131.62      1.530              4.282
         Instrument                  Date  Mid Price  Accrued Interest  Z Spread  Bid Yield  Modified Duration
    0  GB086352303=  2021-01-13T00:00:00Z    111.637           3.56712    297.45      3.177              3.847
    1  GB086352303=  2021-01-12T00:00:00Z    111.455           3.55068    300.33      3.219              3.848
    2  GB086352303=  2021-01-11T00:00:00Z    111.753           3.53425    297.42      3.154              3.853

  • Hi @Gurpreet, I get the same result.
    Any ideas?
