Inconsistency b/w ek.get_data() and ek.get_timeseries()


While trying to retrieve the historical data for some convertibles (RICs = ['JEdbc.TO^I20', 'JEdbd.TO^I20], I got inconsistent results from ek.get_timeseries() and ek.get_data(). Specifically, the former returns data while the latter returns NA. See detail below,

df = ek.get_timeseries(rics, start_date=dt.datetime(2020,3,25),






df1, er = ek.get_data(rics, ['TR.PriceClose', 'TR.IssueMarketCap', 'TR.IssueMarketCap.Date'],

{'SDate':'2020-03-25', 'EDate':'2020-03-31'})


Instrument Price Close Issue Market Cap Date

JEdbc.TO^I20 <NA><NA><NA>


Lastly, a call of get_timeseries() using package eikonapir in R results in errors:

get_timeseries(list('JEdbc.TO^I20', 'JEdbd.TO^I20'), list("*"),

start_date = '2020-03-25',

end_date = '2020-03-31')

# Error in 1:nrow(input_data_frame) : argument of length 0

I would highly appreciate if you could look into these inconsistencies and advise any suggestions/solutions.



Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    I am not familiar with R, but could you try named arguments like -

    get_timeseries(rics = list('JEdbc.TO^I20', 'JEdbd.TO^I20'), fields = list("*"), start_date = "2020-03-25T00:00:00", end_date = "2020-03-31T00:00:00")

    and see if that works. If it still does not, we can try to figure it out.


  • Hi @tta,

    Please see this answer about the differences between get_data and get_timeseries api call. These both access a different backend service and the timeseries can only retrieve Open/High/Low/Close bar data.

    The fields that you specified - TR.PriceClose, TR.IssueMarketCap are not available in Data Item Browser for this convertible debenture.

  • Thanks Gurpreet for pointing to the difference b/w get_data() and get_timeseries()!

    What about the problem of get_timeseries() of eikonapir?


  • Surprisingly, it work!

    I did not expect the function is such sensitive to its arguments.

    Thanks a lot for your advice, highly appreciate it.

  • The problem with the get_timeseries call syntax for R in the original question is incorrect date format. get_timeseries function in eikonapir package is very inflexible with regard to the format of start_date/end_date inputs. According to the package documentation get_timeseries function strictly expects start_date and end_date as strings in "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" format. The values provided in the original example are missing the time part.