Get attribute Error when making request

When running the python API on my local machine I get the following error when I try to make a request:
AttributeError: 'Logger' object has no attribute 'trace'


from refinitiv.dataplatform import eikon as ek

ek.set_app_key('my key') # no bad response

ek.get_news_headlines() # or any other request produces the error.


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    I got the same issue when using refinitiv-dataplatform 1.0.0a7.post1 and 1.0.0a7.

    You may need to use 1.0.0a6 or below.

    pip install refinitiv-dataplatform==1.0.0.a6
