If copy sample python code from articles, &nbsps added

https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/instrument-pricing-analytics-volatility-surfaces-and-curves - for example, if I try copy code from this article and put it to my IDEA, nbsp symbols (white spaces) added, which are not accepted for python style code. for me, and I assume for other users, it's not convenient to remove all nbsp after every copy peace of the code.image


Best Answer


  • thanks for GitHub link. I'm using 2 IDEs: PyCharm, Visual Studio Code

  • Thanks @stepan.kalika

    I can recreate in PyCharm and VS Code.

    I have reported this issue to the Dev Portal development team.

  • yes, i can confirm i see this issue in both VS Code and PyCharm. but not matter which IDE use, the issue still presents. the screnshot below is from VS Code:


  • Hello @stepan.kalika and @umer.nalla ,

    Could you please confirm on your side, if you are still seeing this issue?

    From my testing, the issue looks to be fixed:

    • If I press "Copy" link at the bottom right of the code segment, the code consequently pastes into IDE "as is".
    • If however I highlight and then copy, a lot of white spaces also get consequently pasted with the code.


  • Please be informed that the copy code example issue(s) has been fixed.

  • Yes, it has been fixed. Thanks.