How to retrieve all current legal entity data over the three legal entity tables using python?

I've been trying to access the API through a (pretty bare bones) python script. The problem I am facing at the moment is i can't pass 'not null' in the EntityIdentifierList in the json payload to get data from all Legal entities. I want to call the API with only a record active flag or a current indicator but it wont let me and i can't find documentation to help me with this on the website.

Could someone point me in the right direction?

Best Answer

  • Hello @floor.van.dalen,

    I do not think the extraction is designed to work this way. You would need to pass into the extraction, for LegalEntity extraction request, a EntityIdentifierList with valid identifiers.

    If you would like to determine a list of identifiers per criteria, would need to run a Search. In this context, I would try an Entity Search, such as:


        "SearchRequest": {
            "OfficialNameOnly": true,
            "DomicileCodes": null,
            "CountryOfIncorporationCodes": null,
            "TrBusinessClassificationCodes": null,
            "VerifiedOnly": true,
            "RegulatedOnly": false,
            "IssuersOnly": false,
            "ActiveOnly": true,
            "IncludeUnManagedOrUnVerified": false,
            "PreferredIdentifierType": "OrgId"

    Or similar, per your requirements. It would result with a large result set with a next link

        "@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Content.ValidatedEntity)",
        "value": [
                "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Search.EntitySearchResult",
                "Identifier": "107969602",
                "IdentifierType": "OrgId",
                "Key": "VjF8MHgwMDAzZWYwNmMwYWEwNjg2fEVORU58MTA3OTY5NjAyfE9SRw",
                "Description": "ARC EXCESS & SURPLUS, L.L.C.",
                "InstrumentType": "Entity",
                "Type": "Business Organization",
        "@odata.nextlink": "$skiptoken='MjUw'"

    This link can be used to post, recursively, to obtain the complete result set of the Search, i.e. set of Orgid IDs.


    And consequently, the OrgIds can be supplied into LegalEntity...ExtractionRequest, to obtain the result which I think would be what you are looking to achieve.

    I would like to note, that Searches do not count toward your Quota, and Extractions count toward your Quota. Therefore, when you request an extraction, it can not be unbound, you should be extracting the result set that you require, in my understanding.

    I hope this helps in terms of the approach.
