Python API

I am trying to use the Eikon Python API to get streaming prices. The code is below: ek.set_app_key('…..(app key)…') streaming_prices = ek.StreamingPrices(instruments=[‘INTC.O’], fields = ['BID']) string = streaming_prices['INTC.O']['BID'] Output: When I run this, I get an error saying: KeyError: "Field 'BID' not in Stream cache" However, I when change the instrument to something else that does not require a data feed subscription, like currency (e.g. [‘GBP=’]), the program works fine. Question: For streaming prices, do we necessarily need to get a paid subscription to the data feed before we can get pricing info? For example, if we’re using Excel to get price feeds, I think we can still get delayed feeds without a subscription.

Best Answer

  • @puri

    It looks like the problem occurs because your subscription does not have permission to get a Real-Time tick by tick rate for INTC.O. I believe that if you change it to /INTC.O you should be able to get the BID but it's the delayed data.
