"TASK FAILED" while trying to connect to SOAP api through DSWS

Hi All, The connection through DSWS for python grants me the token in an intermittently fashion. I also performed the test for SOAP connections at "http://product.datastream.com/DswsClient/Docs/TestSoapV1.aspx" and instead of getting the token I got "A task was canceled." I used to get the token seamesly but since last month the access is no as stable as it used to be. This week it is the second time in row that I can't get access. Can someone help me to understand what's going on? Many thanks

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @olavo.pereira,

    I am using the latest version of DSWS for python and able to get token and data consistently. This module however uses the REST interface and not the SOAP.

    Package         Version
    --------------- ---------
    DatastreamDSWS  1.0.8

    If you are having account/connectivity issues, I would recommend that you open a service ticket with my.refinitiv.com.