EPT (European Priips templates) information

We would like to know if there is a URL or a way we could extract the EPT (European Priips templates) for a universe of funds from the API Playground?

Best Answer

  • @dolaya I have opened a case for you with our content support team - they should be contacting you shortly about this. Your case number is 09581904. I hope this can help.


  • @dolaya Is this related to your previous question? The API Playground is an informational and demo experience for those using the Refinitiv Data Platform (RDP) APIs. You would need to use the RDP APIs to get data back into a dataframe or JSON return.

    If so please ask the content specialist for advice about the EPT as well as the EMT fields you require and they will be able to help. Your case number is 09581378.

    I hope this can help.

  • Hello,

    this is a different question. In one hand, we are already extracting EMT information from the API but this with the old fields. In the other hand, we have this question because we dont kno if there is a posibility to extract the EPI information from the API in the same way we are extracting it for the EMT.

    who should i contact to have support? For the EMT on of your agents gave us an URL where we could ask for the information.